IN TIMES OF CHAOS CHOOSE TO INNOVATE But, I quickly learned that preconceived notions Reflecting on our history, the asset management or self expectations could sometimes trip up even business has changed a great deal since I began my my brightest colleagues, making them unwilling to career. Experiencing its rapid growth, maturity, and ask timely questions or hesitant to take on certain now consolidation over a relatively short period, projects that could reveal ignorance or a blind spot. my peers and I have seen our industry follow a life In contrast, I felt free to ask questions and was cycle similar in trajectory to the various companies encouraged by the response of my peers and team and sectors we have followed across our leaders who appreciated a different perspective. investment disciplines. As much as our business I remember one particular week, after a series of has changed, it remains our ongoing responsibility grueling meetings, someone I deeply respected to identify and allocate capital to the best available pulled me aside and said: opportunities. Investors continue to seek out the investment firms they trust the most to carry out “I’m glad you’ve been raising your hand, because I’ve this task. been afraid to do that.” As I interact with my colleagues day to day, it That comment stuck with me, and it continues to becomes all the more clear from my perspective: drive how I think about this business. Today, I know that the sheer breadth, specialization, In times of change, it’s our people who’ll inspire and constant change in capital markets can that trust. make the most talented investment professional an expert one day and a new student the next. How well they can learn has a lot to do with the confidence they have in themselves and the trust they have in team members to reveal themselves and take initiative. This self-innovation is something I encourage throughout our organization as I look to the next generation of leaders. 24