A chance conversation we had with a software Globant also helped gaming brand Electronic management team at an industry conference added to Arts develop its FIFA soccer game franchise our conviction, as the executive sang the praises of some and partnered with London’s Metropolitan select outsourced developers. Through the execution Police to develop a digital platform for of our investment process, the team developed an accessing police services digitally. investment thesis that Globant—an information technology (IT) services company in Latin America with In conclusion, we believe 2020 will be a 6,000+ IT professionals—has the potential to be a key year where the pace of change continues to accelerate. Technological disruption will beneficiary of the demand for software talent. become even more pervasive. In order to The company’s highly skilled software engineers have thrive, companies will require a far greater done work for a wide variety of businesses, such as amount of digital capabilities than they have American Express, Southwest Airlines, Zynga, and in the past. We believe businesses on the right Google. Globant’s share price at the time did not reflect side of change that can meet the changing the growth opportunity we expected to see from demands of consumers—such as the acute owning it when we purchased the stock. This is where our shortage of software developer talent—can example of a storied entertainment brand comes back be poised to produce strong excess returns. into the picture. Just as major entertainment brands can revolutionize the consumer experience by bringing the right minds together, our team is using a uniquely designed process to capture these opportunities. Can you recall a time in your family history of taking young children to a theme park? Amid the joyful memories, you may remember a certain amount of chaos. The hours of waiting in line for rides. The constant juggling of food, balloons, and at least one child while you fumbled for your wallet to pay for it all. And finally, after a long day, near the point of collapse from exhaustion, you’ve arrived at your hotel room door only to realize you have lost your key. 1 Globant—as reported on its website —helped Disney create a next-generation online experience for its parks and resorts. Perhaps you’ve heard of the MagicBand, a sensor-enabled wristband that—as reported by 2 Wired —allows wearers to avoid lines, pay for meals, and even unlock their hotel room doors. In our conversations with Globant, we learned it 1. As reported on Investors.Globant.com: “Globant— provided talent to help the entertainment brand We Are Ready” 2. As reported on Wired.com: “Disney’s $1 Billion Bet achieve its innovative vision. on a Magical Wristband” 7 2020

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